Saturday, October 18, 2008

Anniversary of the May 18 National Cemetery

I met my team in front of the office at around 2 PM. We went by Foundation's car to the May 18 National Cemetery. The venue is in Damyang, around 30-45 minutes from our office.
There was a competition for people who would showed their talents. There were 7 participants, i was an one of them.;)
This is the other story of me, my team, and the staff on the other Saturday (October 18, 2008)..

WELCOME!! the information desk
the stage
Su-i and Lynn Si
me and Lyn Si

the host
staff (on my left side)
staff (on my right side)
Our chairman also gave the opening word
She was the first performance. She sang 2 disco Korean songs. Let's dance..
"who's that girl?!??"
They are hip-hop dancers.
I sang 'i have a dream..;)'

next performances:
I like her performance. She sang 3 Korean songs.
He is a music lecture in one of the university in South Korea. His voice is bass. He sang one classic song that ussual use in the musical drama (opera).
'my endless love..'
They are still young, but have best spirit for dance. You can see it..
They are the students of music faculty. They sang very good!! Their voices are seriosa type.
They performed 'street dance'. The pink t-shirt is a funny man. Their performances were attractive.
lottery time, please prepare yours..
the blue clothes is my timjangnim, he is the best!!!

The last band. They sang 2 songs. There was a same word on the 2 songs, which are 'irona'. The meaning is please stand up!!
The program finished at 6 PM. We went back with staff.
This is my present, i am the second winner.;)
THANKS to Lyn Si who supported me, she was a good manager!!!